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Moonbathing With Melissa

Thu, 06 Apr


Virtual Event

No work, no learning, no expectations or demands. Time for you to just sit and bee.

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Moonbathing With Melissa
Moonbathing With Melissa

Time & Location

06 Apr 2023, 19:30 – 20:30 BST

Virtual Event


About the event

The glorious silver goddess, riding high on the sky. Mysteriously changing, rising, and falling at different times, and startling as she catches our eyes.

She has a profound effect on water, drawing it up through the soil as she waxes, then releasing her grip as she wanes. The tides are under her control, as are the leaves’ sap and the ground water beneath us.

Plants grow in union with the moon. Through the new moon and second quarter, their leaves are stimulated to grow. As she wanes, the energy changes. Leaf growth slows and everything goes down to the plant’s roots.

At the December full moon, every coral ejaculates and releases eggs, in an orgasmic union to perpetuate the species.

Badgers, though. They go shy in too much moonlight. When the moon is new, they cock their legs, marking their territory everywhere with urine, finding mates in the eerie darkness.

I wonder at lions though, and their thinking. Normally they hunt in the night, but sometimes they are daylight killers, curiously, only after bright full moons.

What is it that they know about moonlight?  Perchance it’s to do with scorpions who glow blue under her spell.

Pets are 23% more likely to injure themselves at the full moon, and while there is no direct evidence that the moon affects mental health, I’m always awake. How about you?

The ancient Egyptians were grateful for Hathor, personified as the moon, lighting the way for the dead. In other stories, the moon was Khonso, aiding Thoth  to manufacture extra days in the calendar to help the barren goddess, Nut, to bear children.

In Greece, she had many names.

Selene, imagined as drawing her silver chariot across the sky in her cloak; and as Artemis and Hekate, at different phases of the moon.

The Chinese God of the Eastern Sky, Di Jun, had three wives, including Changxi, who bore him twelve moon children. She bathed her unique daughters in a water pool, as they journeyed across the heavens each day.

It is believed that European women of antiquity may even have bled with the moon. Their location, so close to the equator, and with the absence of light pollution, likely meant they menstruated at the new moon, and a communal ovulation may have taken place when it was full.

This rite, with women safely gathered together in the Red Tent, celebrated their heightened sensitivities.

It is said in shamanic wisdom, that this is why the women were gifted the non-linear knowledge of all that is…their connection with the moon and the womb.

For me, the moon is like an antenna, heightening intuition and allowing “The Other” to speak.

Over time, I have come to realise that the years where I ignored it were akin to spending all my time with one hand tied behind my back.

My life felt grey and colourless. That which was not known filled me with anxiety. I was worried from one day to the next.

The truth is, I wondered if it was the patriarchy that was frustrating me. I felt like there must be something more than simply existing to work and wash up.

In the end, I realised the blame lay with me. I have always known how to connect with nature, I just hadn’t been giving it a chance.

Everyone will tell you these are difficult times, and make no mistake, they are.

But they are also rich with freedom and adventure.

Not since the days of Hathor have women had so much power.

And now, we don’t need to be so afraid to use it.

Many people now stand in their own power as witches.

I don’t.

I owe my glory to Melissa, the bee.

Come spend an hour with me, with your bottle of Melissa (or a couple of lemon balm leaves). (Hydrolats/ hydrosols/ floral waters are cheaper, if you are struggling, or even no oil at all if you wish. How about a bit of lemon oil or even some grated lemon peel? Not quite the same, but it will do if you have nothing else.)

Let’s inhale her fragrance together and see what magic this Full moon in libra weaves.

Just a quick note on olfaction, before I leave.

Inhaling essential oils is proven to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. It balances hormones and neurotransmitters. It reduces pain and symptoms of menopause and may even help to improve bone density.

And you know the best thing?

It’s not a pill. It doesn’t taste awful. Just the rich aromas that the world’s most famous perfumes are made of.

What’s not to love? The moon, bees (who will be at slumber, of course), the perfume Paracelsus calls The Elixir of Life, and perhaps best of all….other women.

Bring back the old ways. Use ancient and emerging technologies to restore you.

Book your place to Moon bathe with Melissa now.


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