I've created a list of carrier oils and their properties, because I feel very strongly that it is an area of aromatherapy that is under-used. Incidentally, since this page is long and unwieldy (to say the least) I have also put this list of carrier oils into an ebook for you to download for your own files.
Carrier oils are often seen as a way to simply dilute and carry essential oils but in fact used properly these lipids can create a whole new dimension of healing to your blends.
Acai Berry Carrier Oil
Euterpe oleracea
Dry chapped or ageing skin
Dry hair
Reduces swelling
Eases aching muscles
Increases sex drive
Balances menopausal symptoms
Increases energy and circulation
Use in blends in a concentration of up to 100%
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Andiroba Seed Carrier Oil
Carapa Guianensis
Ear infections
Ear mites in pets
Insect bites
Sore muscles and joints
Dry cracked skin
Prevents hair loss
Reduces appearance of bruises
Use in blends in a concentration of up to 100%
Alma Indian Gooseberry Carrier Oil
Embelica officinalis
Mature skin
Strengthens hair
Healthy immune system
Prevents constipation
Improves memory
Discourages headlice
Safety: do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding
Not suitable for people with bleeding disorders
Aloe Vera
Aloe barbadensis
Cold sores
Shingles rashes
Fungal infections
Dry or mature skin
Wound recovery
Itchy skin relief
Reducing inflammation
Safety: no known contraindications
Amaranth Seed Carrier Oil
Amaranthus caudatus
Mature skin
Dry skin
Itchy skin
Hair loss prevention
Strong hair
Reduces swelling
Reduces sagging skin
Safety: not suitable for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding
Andiroba seed carrier oil
Carapa guianensis
Ear infections
Ear mites in pets
Insect bites
Sore muscles and joints
Dry cracked skin
Prevents hair loss
Reduces appearance of bruises
Safety: No contraindications known for topical use.
Apricot Kernel Carrier Oil
Prunus armeniaca
Dry skin
Sensitive skin
Baby skin
Mature skin
Reduces swelling
Facial massage
Safety: not suitable for those suffering from nut allergies.
Argan Carrier Oil
Argania spinosa

Very dry skin
Mature skin
Dissolves excess sebum
Reduced appearance of wrinkles
Stretch marks
Fungal infections
Strengthens nails
Strong healthy hair
Safety: do not use with nut allergies
Arnica Macerate
Arnica montana
Reduces appearance of bruises
Insect bites
Hair loss
Sports injuries
Reduces swelling
Safety: not suitable for
People with allergies to ragweed or similar plants
People with any digestive problems
Two weeks prior to surgery
Open wounds or sores
During pregnancy or breastfeeding
People with contact hypersensitivity
Always dilute to less than 30%
Avocado Carrier Oil
Persea gratissima

Dry skin
Sensitive skin
Mature skin
Improved skin elasticity
Skin impurity removal
Scalp care
Reduces appearance of sun damage
Safety: not suitable for people with nut allergies.
Babassu Carrier Oil
Orbignya oliefera

Itchy skin
Dry skin
Dry hair
Brittle hair
Antibacterial properties
Safety: not suitable for those with at nut allergy.
Boabab Carrier Oil
Adansonia digitata

Inflamed gums
Fungal infections
Dry skin
Mature skin
Sensitive skin
Dry hair
Stretch marks
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use
Black Cumin Seed Carrier Oil
Cuminum cyminum

Preventing skin, wound and eye infections
Mature skin
Dry hair
Headache relief
Safety: do not use in pregnancy
Black Raspberry Carrier Oil
Rubus occidentalis

Improved skin elasticity
Damaged skin
Mature skin
Softens cuticles and calluses
Stretch mark prevention
Dry brittle hair
Healing burns
Safety: do not use during pregnancy
Blackcurrant Seed Carrier Oil
Ribes nigrum
Mature skin
Sun damaged skin
Hair loss
Immune system aid
Reducing inflammation
Safety: do not use during pregnancy
Do not use two weeks prior to undergoing surgery.
Blueberry Seed Carrier Oil
Vaccinium corymbosum

Mature skin
Sensitive skin
Oily skin
Teenage spots
Conditioning hair and scalp
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Borage Seed
Carrier Oil
Borago officinalis
Mature skin
Dry skin
Menopausal imbalance
Hot flushes
Reduces swelling
Increases clotting factor
Decreases blood pressure
Safety: do not use during pregnancy
Do not use two weeks prior to undergoing surgery.
Brazil Nut Carrier Oil
Bertholletia excelsa

Mature skin
Dry skin
External lubrication
Hair conditioner
Chemically treated hair
Dry or curly hair
Afro-Caribbean hair
Safety: do not use with a nut allergy.
Broccoli Seed Oil
Brassica oleracea italica
Oily skin
Dull hair
Silicon hair product alternative
Inflamed skin
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Buriti Carrier Oil
Mauritia flexosa
Post-sun exposure care
Mature skin
Wounds and cuts
Brittle and frizzy hair
Reduces skin redness
Improves skin elasticity
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Calendula Maceration
Calendula officinalis
Oily skin
Sensitive skin
Fungal infections
Pregnancy stretch marks
Promotes just circulation
Baby skin
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Camellia Seed Carrier Oil (Green Tea Seed Oil)
Camellia oleifera
Mature skin
Dry skin
Baby skin
Improves complexion
Excellent make-up remover
Hair growth
Dry damaged hair
Invigorate scalp
Heals wounds
Reduces stretch marks
Safety: no contraindications known
Carrot Seed Carrier Oil
Daucus carota
Mature skin
Dry chapped skin
Rejuvenates skin
Dry damaged hair
Reduces stretch marks
Reduces menstrual pain
Safety: avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Castor Oil
Ricinus communis
Mature skin
Corns and calloused skin
Reduces stretch marks
Reduces menstrual pain
Reduces arthritis pain
Chemically damaged hair
Ringworm worm
Safety: maybe irritating to the skin in large dilutions. Only use in dilutions of 30%
Cherry Kernel Carrier Oil
Prunus avium
Dry skin
Baby skin
Nappy rash
Dry hair
Maintains healthy hair
Prevents dandruff
Wrong nails
Varicose veins
Safety: not suitable for people with nut allergies
Chia Seed Oil
Salvia hispanica
Dry skin
Mature skin
Autoimmune skin conditions
Reduces scars
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Chilean Hazelnut
Guvuina avellana
Dry cracked skin
Mature skin
Baby skin
Rejuvenates skin
Improves complexion
Brittle damaged hair
Maintains hair colour
Safety: do not use if you have a nut allergy
Cocoa Butter
Theobromo cacao
Dry, cracked skin
Deeply moisturising
Heals chapped lips
Mouth sores
Wonderful for shaving cream
Softens rough patches on skin
Promotes immunity
Safety: do not use during pregnancy
Not suitable for acne prone skin.
Coconut Oil
Cocus nucifera
Dry skin
Sensitive skin
Dry hair and split ends
Fungal infections
Prevents coughs and colds
Blood thinner
Reduces dental plaque
Safety: do not use if you have a nut allergy
Coffee Blossom Carrier Oil
Coffea arabica
Relieves shaving rash
Strengthens nails
Invigorates scalp
Reduces fever
Stimulates appetite
Relaxes muscles
Safety: do not use during pregnancy
Comfrey maceration
Symphytum officinalis
Relieves inflammation
Reduces bruising
Mouth all this
Reduces scars
Promotes healing of broken bones, sprains and strains
Safety: do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Do not use on open wounds
Corn Germ Carrier Oil
Zea mays
Dry skin
Hair conditioner
Reduces blood pressure
Supports immune system
Delicious for frying food
Safety: do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Do not use on open wounds
Cotton Seed Carrier Oil
Gossypium herbaceum
Dry skin
Mature skin
Reduces swelling use line boost cognitive function
Prevents infection in wounds
Supports immune system
Fabulous for frying food
Beautiful for baking
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Cranberry Seed Carrier Oil
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Dry skin
Itchy, irritated skin
Reduces blemishes
Baby skin
Stretch marks
Strengthening hair and scalp
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Daisy Maceration
Bellis perennis
Dry skin
Course or hard skin
Mature skin
Reduces bruising
Reduces swelling
Firms skin post-pregnancy
Menstrual pain
Mouth ulcers
Safety: no contraindications known for topical use.
Emu oil
Dromaius novaehallandiae
Dry, cracked skin
Promotes healing of wounds
Reduces swelling
Ear infections
Arthritic pain
Breast sensitivity when nursing
Safety: not suitable for use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding