This month I thought I would do something a little different and use The Tongue of The Trees Cards to read the future instead of the past.
They were originally designed to work back from the septic mess we see with chronic pain in the physical body, to try to wind back to the root cause or trauma and indeed they are wonderful for this, when you use a spread called The Rings of The Trees.
This spread starts at number one, spirals outwards in an anticlockwise direction - widishin-over 13 cards and is designed to show the evolution of the tree over its lifetime. In the same way, we can see how a symptom may have developed and evolved over time.
Here though, we spiral forwards and when aligned with the understanding of the transits each sign is expecting over the next four weeks the cards give a powerful understanding of which oils can most support us through the lessons and changes, but also how we can best exploit the competitive advantage the universe is giving to us.
So here are your readings for July 2020 and the recipes that jumped from the table as we looked!
Recipes follow further down the page, but here is a link to show you how you can oder your own Tongue of The Trees Oracle Cards
and to learn more about The Knowledge Base that helped me to be able to translate the cards in this way.
Here are your essential oil recipe slides from the video.

If you would like your own individual reading, please check out my consultations page. (FYI-Sadly, I am not able to offer the 30 mins free option in this kind of booking.)
Please feel free to comment on your Cancer Horoscope July 2020 reading, to like, subscribe and share.