Clary sage has been used for menstrual and menopausal problems since the seventeenth century, at least. Time and again, women found their pains reduced and other symptoms receded. Those correlations between menstuation, menopause and the cycles of the moon were hard to was the potential to turn into a lunatic in a predicted cycle too. Whilst Clary Sage essential oil was labelled as a Moon Medicine and able to deal with such cyclical concerns, in truth we had little insight about why that was and how it might work.
At the turn of the twenty first century though, the door into understanding hormones has opened just a tiny crack more and suddenly a whole new shaft of light illuminated the world of the female sex hormone estrogen.
This new knowledge not only helps us to understand a woman's sexual and reproductive life more intimately, but also her skeletal system, her cognition and the pathway that can lead to horrible conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease. It casts a light on debilitating diseases such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the part that that estrogen plays in both men and women's lives. Aromatherapy and essential oils can make extraordinary changes to health
And at the very heart of these new revelations is clary sage and the benign medicine she embues. Now for the first time, The Secret Healer builds a hormonal picture of Clary Sage and the extraordinary pathways orthodox medicine is now able to take.
- Improve Fertility
- Reduce menstrual and menopausal symptoms
- Improve cognition
- Protect your heart, brain and skeletal system in ways you could never have imagined.
Different to other menopause books, this contains essential oil recipes to conquer your health issues. Menopause essential oils blends calm mood swings and menopause symptoms, pre-menstrual formulae ease period pains and menstrual cramps with clary sage. Many other essential oils recipes contained within.