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Essential Oils For The Heart Chakra

Here, we'll understand when to use the essential oils for the heart chakra and the personality traits and physical illnesses that betray problems in this energetic area.

Potentially heart chakra medicine is the easiest to understand, and I speak about it extensively in my Rose Goddess Medicine and Bronchitis treatment books.

I’m sure all of us who can perceive how someone might die of a broken heart. It was brought to my mind when the beautiful Debbie Reynolds sadly died of a stroke the day after her daughter Carrie Fisher had passed away.

Western medicine offers no explanation for this, but Eastern philosophy would lay the blame directly at the door of the heart chakra.

To me, that makes perfect sense.

What is the Heart Chakra?

The heart chakra is a wheel of energy that vitalises the organs of the chest and sends messages back and forth about how much we have learned, and are giving and receiving love.

Physical Manifestations of Heart Chakra Dysfunction:

  • Specifically relating to the heart and lungs

  • Heart and cardiovascular disease

  • Coronary artery problems

  • Issues with heart rate

  • Arrhythmia

  • Abnormal rhythms.

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Chest infections

  • Bronchitis

  • Pneumonia

  • Issues with the thymus gland

  • Breast issues

  • Immune problems (because of the thymus

  • Upper back niggles, pain, and tension

  • Pain between the shoulder blades

Emotional Aspects of The Heart Chakra

This energy centre is controlled by and controls our sense of love. It’s were we learn to both give and receive love.

There are three different types of love, all of which affect this chakra.

  1. Love of others

  2. Love of self

  3. Divine love or love from source.

The man issues affecting the heart chakra will be to do with love and relationships.

The worst scenarios, of course, might be death, divorce or adultery, but any kind of betrayal and sense of abandonment will close imbalance the heart chakra. Emotional abuse, injustice and emotional abuse not only affect our emotions and personality but our physical body too.

In the Bronchitis Treatment I speak at length about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study, that found that adults who had suffered profound negative experiences in their childhood were more likely to go on to develop chronic diseases.

The US study, carried out between 1995-97, followed an epiphany by an owner of a weight management clinic, that excessive eating seemed to be a coping mechanism for anxiety, depression and fear.

Vincent Felitti became perplexed by the high dropout rate of people on his programme – about 50%. When he interviewed the 286 people who had decided to leave he discovered that the majority had suffered childhood sexual abuse.

He and Robert Anda from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) embarked on voyage of discovery into obesity and disease, as they recruited 17000 people from a healthcare plan run by the clinic where Felliti worked.

The majority were white, aged 57, with good jobs and fairly decent health.

Ten different ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) were chosen from results of other studies, to see if there seemed to be any correlations between trauma and disease. These were:

• Emotional abuse

• Emotional neglect

• Household mental illness

• Household substance abuse

• Incarcerated household member

• Mother treated violently

• Parental separation or divorce

• Physical abuse

• Physical neglect

• Sexual abuse

Around 65% of the patients described having experienced at least one ACE; 87% said there was at least one additional other experience in their lives.

A correlation emerged about how many of these ACES a person had and how likely they were to indulge in pastimes that put their health at risk, such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse or promiscuous behaviour.

Then, further, these seemed to link with severe obesity, depression, chronic lung disease, heart disease, cancer, and consequently a shortened lifespan.

This study has formed the substrate for many other studies since, as a means of trying to understand the intricacies of this further.

For me, however the heart chakra explains it perfectly.

Heart Chakra Meaning

The goal of the heart chakra is self-acceptance and self-love, but that would be virtually impossible living in this kind of environment.

Heart chakra dysfunction is connected to loneliness and lack of compassion. There is a lack of love for self and others, but also a sense of victimisation.

The heart chakra bridges the two worlds of our lower physical self, and that of our higher self and connected realms. If energy falters here, how can a person think straight, become passionate, start to feel themselves connected to cosmic flow or heal others?

But as ever balance is key here, and we might see one of two extremes here.

Blocked Heart Chakra

I have come to believe that using essential oils to help us let go of negative emotions might be their most important function and the most powerful thing we can do to heal ourselves.

Hostility releases inflammatory markers throughout our bodies, creating physical disease. Working on the heart chakra, to help let go of resentment and past aggravations is a strong and powerful protective mechanism. Psychologically, we know bitterness and cynicism gnaw away at our minds and happiness, but I believe that then transfers directly into the tissues too.

Love is a profound healer.

But, that it heals all, I feel, is a bumper sticker, no more… (For example, I think money worries are dreadful creators of disease).

Yet, it can do a great deal.

Simply finding someone who really loves you is a massive healer in itself. If that grace rubs off and you start to believe that you really are worth something, then the energy begins to grow.

Strong heart chakra energy makes it easier to release emotional aches and pains; essential oils for the heart chakra will help, their powers increased by meditation and affirmations.

Here's a video I made about heart chakra issues.

Heart Chakra Emotions

The main emotions connected with the heart chakra are:

  • Anger

  • Bitterness

  • Commitment

  • Compassion

  • Generosity

  • Gratitude

  • Grief

  • Hate

  • Loneliness

  • Love

  • Loyalty

  • Resentment

  • Self centredness

  • The ability to follow your heart

  • Trust

An interesting experiment is to try them on for size.

Picture someone (or something) you love dearly. Focus on where you feel its vibration in your body. Now do “hate”. Where can you feel that? Can you recognise its vibration? Try each one in turn. It’s a useful way to begin to identify which emotion feels like what.

That’s not an easy thing to do, day to day, when the feels come up in context.

Most important, I think, is feel anger…. Where’s that?

Smack bang in the middle of your chest, right?

Dreadful emotion.


Don’t be tempted to try to suppress it. Don’t hide from it because it seems ugly or shameful.

Every emotional is natural and right. The key is not to let it linger for too long.

Feel it.

Express it.

Let it go...

Suppressing emotions can be every bit as dangerous to the body and mind as holding on to them too.

It’s a delicate balance.

Blocked Heart Chakra Personality

These people are cold, but sometimes that might only be clear to those closest to them.

A balanced heart chakra is unconditional love, so the imbalance is the inverse. F its blocked, you’ll get a sense of “If you love me, you’ll do that, or you wouldn’t do this”.

For a very open chakra, it is if “I do this for you perhaps you will love me more.”

Open Heart Chakra

Where the blocked chakra seems to have no compassion and emotions are few, the open heart chakra pours out emotion.

Clearly you will see this in grief, as I have previously said, but abuse can often do it too. So, they become desperate pleasers, they do everything for everyone else and never think about themselves.

That's noble.

But not healthy.

A balanced chakra gives us emotional resilience, but here there is none.

Heart on the sleeve, easily hurt and very oversensitive.

(Or they might just be a Cancerian…that's us on a good day!)


How To Balance The Heart Chakra.

Here, there is usually a need for more than just essential oils for the heart chakra. There might be a need for counselling, but chakra meditation can definitely make a profound difference.

Essential Oils for The Heart Chakra

Amber, Basil, Bay, Benzoin, Calendula, Caraway, English Lavender, Galbanum, Hyssop, Lavandin, Mandarin, Mimosa, Myrtle, Ginger, Orange, Parsley Seed, Sage, Spearmint, Sweet Fennel, Tangerine, Thyme, Vanilla, Vetiver, Rose Maroc, Rose geranium, Lime

Of all of these, rose is the most effective, I think.

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